One Mean Chickadee

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Remember stuffy school gymnasiums?

Boy, I do! Especially since I just spent three hours in one!

I suspected the wait would be long, but I was not prepared for the massive, snaking line that awaited me when I showed up at the school down the street where I vote. I brought a book, but of course I couldn't read . . . too much excitement, too many people talking, too much confusion. Also a lot of familiar faces, and a lot of "Don't I know you from __________?" Also, did I mention that it was unbelievably stuffy in there? I'm surprised no one passed out. Still, it's better than being fired upon, so . . .

Now I'm off to drive people to the polls. Or at least, to drive some people to a poll, because if this is going to take three hours every time, I won't be making very many trips.



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