Art Imitates Life?
I just realized that in yesterday's post, I never got to the part to which the title was supposed to refer. And now I don't remember what, exactly, I wanted to write about that part. What's more, I can't remember which phrase came first--"Life Imitates Art" or "Art Imitates Life." One definitely came first, and then people started twisting it around and using the other one so frequently that now I can't remember which started first. (That happens a bit with the phrases "Dog Bites Man" and "Man Bites Dog*"--the second is used so often now that sometimes you have to stop and think of what the original phrase was. Of course, this one is obvious--but I digress.) And now, of course, I realize that "Art Imitates Life" was the original phrase, but I still can't remember what I was going to write about the other one.** Sigh.
There are a lot of great things about being in your 30s. In a lot of ways, things become much clearer, quickly. You kind of look around at your life and think, "Am I happy with this?" And then you either carry on, or you make minor adjustments, or you make major upheavals. I'm in the minor adjustments stage, and it's a good place to be, actually. You're not just sitting there, stagnating, not trying to improve yourself, but neither are you completely uprooting and taking off to, say, Africa (not that there's anything wrong with that!).
On the other hand, you start to go a little senile on certain things. Things you should remember or know how to do, and then you just blank out on them. I don't remember this happening as much in my 20s . . . but then, I have no way of knowing, of course, if that's because it didn't happen or because I don't remember it.
I guess I should amend this to the first person--these are my experiences, not everone's. I'm sure there are plenty of 30-something folks out there who would say they are still as sharp as ever. To those people I would say, "Ha! You're in denial!" (Just kidding.***)
Things I Just Can't Remember Anymore
1. How to spell "recommend." (I've now made myself practice it so much that hopefully I'll never forget. These obstacles can be overcome.)
2. The capital of Indonesia.
3. The names of people I've met at certain parties about 15 times, but then I never see or talk to them away from these parties, and I'm sorry, but if a person didn't really jump out at me, and I never see or talk to them, I'm probably not going to remember their name. If I was able to do that, I'd have been a politician or a sales rep.
4. How to post photos to my blog. I have to ask burb every time. (This problem is being remedied by Blogger, which is currently addressing the needs of people like myself who need for them to make this process so easy that it would be almost impossible to screw it up unless you were doing it on purpose, and even then it would be hard.)
And a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now . . .
*But actually, I hadn't heard anyone use this phrase in quite a while, until Svengolly's very true comment posted recently.
**This could be because I'm a little bit buzzed right now. --Dedicated to truth in blogging since 2004.
There are a lot of great things about being in your 30s. In a lot of ways, things become much clearer, quickly. You kind of look around at your life and think, "Am I happy with this?" And then you either carry on, or you make minor adjustments, or you make major upheavals. I'm in the minor adjustments stage, and it's a good place to be, actually. You're not just sitting there, stagnating, not trying to improve yourself, but neither are you completely uprooting and taking off to, say, Africa (not that there's anything wrong with that!).
On the other hand, you start to go a little senile on certain things. Things you should remember or know how to do, and then you just blank out on them. I don't remember this happening as much in my 20s . . . but then, I have no way of knowing, of course, if that's because it didn't happen or because I don't remember it.
I guess I should amend this to the first person--these are my experiences, not everone's. I'm sure there are plenty of 30-something folks out there who would say they are still as sharp as ever. To those people I would say, "Ha! You're in denial!" (Just kidding.***)
Things I Just Can't Remember Anymore
1. How to spell "recommend." (I've now made myself practice it so much that hopefully I'll never forget. These obstacles can be overcome.)
2. The capital of Indonesia.
3. The names of people I've met at certain parties about 15 times, but then I never see or talk to them away from these parties, and I'm sorry, but if a person didn't really jump out at me, and I never see or talk to them, I'm probably not going to remember their name. If I was able to do that, I'd have been a politician or a sales rep.
4. How to post photos to my blog. I have to ask burb every time. (This problem is being remedied by Blogger, which is currently addressing the needs of people like myself who need for them to make this process so easy that it would be almost impossible to screw it up unless you were doing it on purpose, and even then it would be hard.)
And a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now . . .
*But actually, I hadn't heard anyone use this phrase in quite a while, until Svengolly's very true comment posted recently.
**This could be because I'm a little bit buzzed right now. --Dedicated to truth in blogging since 2004.
At 10:09 AM,
Sven Golly said…
Thanks for the footnote. I live to be footnoted.
There's another example of that reversing (or flipping?) phenomenon. The critic Harold Bloom said criticism isn't parasitic on literature; literature is parasitic on criticism. Kinda like life:art::man:dog, etc.
Truth in blogging! I'll drink to that.
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