One Mean Chickadee

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Rainy Day Women

Well. It's been quite a day. According to the CNN clock, we have 56:06 until election results will start to be tallied by the networks, who are, of course, extremely reticent after their disastrous coverage four years ago. Here in The Big Swing State, I am home after an exhilirating, exhausting, frustrating, and ultimately, hopefully, triumphant day. I have kissed my dog, cracked a beer, and put on some Dylan, and I am now waiting for the results to roll in. Also waiting for the return of the intrepid Jackspatula, who decided to vote after work. He is no doubt standing in line, at this very moment, in the same stuffy gynasium in which I spent the better part of my morning. I feel for you, baby!

As I sit cozy in my house, many others are out there now, in the pouring rain that is currently gracing The Big Swing State, exercising their constitutional rights. Why does it always rain on Election Day?

I refuse to make any predictions at this point. I will say that I have been extremely encouraged, all day, by the incredible turnout. Why would so many people turn out, wait in line, put up with so much bullshit, just to extend the status quo? This one is about CHANGE, baby.

Feeling good in The Big Swing State. It's 6:25. More later.


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