One Mean Chickadee

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life Imitates Simpsons

Just as the Warren local newspaper summoned up thoughts of the Onion, some CNN broadcasts lately have been reminiscent of the Simpsons, and specifically Kent_Brockman. Tonight on Wolf Blitzer's show, "The Situation Room," the audience poll asked the following question:

"If you could have a face transplant, whose face would you want?"

Jack Cafferty, the guy administering the poll, then announced, "And we'll read all the ridiculous responses we expect to get from you people later tonight."

I don't know about you people, but that struck me as a little bit . . . well, you_know.

Anyway, in France they apparently did an actual face transplant on a woman whose face had been disfigured, using the facial skin of a woman who had been declared brain-dead. (Apparently, in France, brain-dead people do not enjoy the luxury of state supreme court intervention.) At least, they are calling it a "face transplant." However, they're only transplanting skin, not bone or muscle, so in my estimation, this is more of a "skin transplant." How this differs from what we currently call a "skin graft," I really don't know. Maybe it's just that this new nomenclature made it easier to come up with tonight's fascinating viewer's poll. (Of course, if they just transplant skin, you're still going to look like you, not someone else . . . am I being nit-picky here?)

In other news, Wolf himself reported that a bunch of people out on some body of water somewhere today celebrated the end of hurricane season by "blowing on a ceremonial conch shell." He repeated this important tidbit of information a couple of times while waiting for the footage to show, until it became apparent that they didn't actually have any footage of the ceremonial conch-shell blowing. What they did have abundant footage of was these supposed conch-shell blowers trying, and failing, to light two "hurricane flags" on fire. It seems they were trying to send a little "Fuck you!" message to hurricanes in general, but since the wind was blowing and it was raining a bit, their efforts were all for naught. All in all, not a great day for hurricane-season-ending celebrators.

And now, without further ado, the results of tonight's CNN readers poll:

"If you could have a face transplant, whose face would you want?"

--My own, about 20 years ago
--Gorbachev, without the birthmark
--Frank Zappa
--Bob Marley (and his hair too)
--Wolf Blitzer
--Anderson Cooper

Suckiest poll respondents ever!

[Confidential to burb: "Someone else! Someone else!"]


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