One Mean Chickadee

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Last Post


I have put off this post for a long time, obviously--I just didn't feel up to writing it. I'm finally ready. This will be my last post on One Mean Chickadee.

Those of you who know me--which is probably all of you--know why I am shutting this blog down. I have thought about it for a long time, debated it with myself, trying to decide what to do. This blog was tied to the life I had, before the Big Thing, before the Personal Issues I mentioned before finally came to a head. I can't go back to it, can't continue with it. There are too many references, memories, and feelings tied to it. It's time to move on.

For anyone who might not know, in case I do have any casual readers who just stumbled upon this blog (and haven't deserted by now after my 2-month absence . . . highly unlikely, but who knows?), I am getting divorced. Or disillusioned. All right, I already am disillusioned, but some legal confirmation of the emotional experience I'm going through will eventually happen.

I will no longer refer to my soon-to-be-ex as Jackspatula, but merely as S.--when I refer to him, which I'm not planning on doing often. To be clear, I'm not planning on airing the dirty laundry in public, at least not in detail. But the truth is, this experience is very much a part of who I am right now, and of what I'm going through, as a person and as a writer. I cannot simply pretend it's not taking place.

The facts:

For a variety of reasons, the 6-year relationship I had with S. did not work out. Things had not been good, at all, for about a year. Maybe more. In retrospect, it was more.

I moved out almost two months ago. I now have a very nice townhouse apartment. It's just me and the cats. I cannot and will not talk about the dog.

I thought we would be able to end things well, remain civil, maybe even be friends again eventually. It did not work out that way. Nothing is final, legally, so I'm not going to say anything more about that right now.

I am doing O.K. It's a process. I have good days and bad days. This is natural. Some people in my life have been amazing during this time, so full of love and support, so there for me, and I appreciate them more than they'll ever know. (You know who you are.) Some others have been indifferent, or kept things on the surface, probably because they just don't know how to deal with it. Others have tuned their backs. This, too, is natural. I will not pass judgment.

This has to be a time of reflection and introspection for me. I can no longer continue with this particular blog, but I must continue to write. In fact, I need to write more. Anyone out there who is a writer, who is an artist, who has any creative impulse at all, understands why.

With all of this in mind, I am starting a new blog. Here is the address:

There's no real post there yet, but there will be, sometime this week. Stay tuned.