One Mean Chickadee

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Longest Hangover Ever

And that's saying something, because I've had some doozies.

I'm speaking, of course, of the election hangover. While many in the country, only peripherally involved in politics and mindful of the need to get back to their lives, have already moved on, Jackspatula and I continue to grieve. But we're not alone. If you ever listen to Air America, you know what I mean. Has anyone noticed the faint but very foul stench that has been slowly creeping over the nation since Black Tuesday? That would be the now oh-too-familiar stink of Election Fraud.

But now, a brief interlude to quote from a particularly astute textbook passage discussing the American system of government, as summed up by the Founders when they were first laying out the rules for the Constitution:

" 'The only way it could fail is if one party gained control of not just the Executive, but also the Senate and House chambers, and upon doing so, proceeded to bring in like-minded judges!!!!' And then the Framers all laughed and laughed and laughed." --from America, The Book, by Jon Stewart and the cast of the Daily Show

O.K., so it's a fake textbook. But seriously, has anyone noticed that we now have complete one-party control in this country?? Yes, of course you've noticed. See how bored you are already? And herein lies the danger. DON'T GET BORED!! DON'T GET COMPLACENT!!

Of course, there's nothing wrong with kicking back for a bit, relaxing, seeing where things go. Personally, I'm curious about what the Roving Moron's administration is going to do with the mess that is EVERYTHING going on right now. Curious and terrified.

[An aside: There was a suggestion today on Air America to try an experiment in which we all start replacing the word "fuck" with "rove" (as in Karl Rove) wherever applicable and appropriate in speech and writing. Imagine the possibilities! Here are only a few:

"What the rove was that??"
"What the rove?!"
"What a roving idiot."
"That is abso-roving-lutely ridiculous."
"They really roved things up."
"We are roved."

Try it! S'fun.]

JAMES CARVILLE UPDATE: The only bright spot in the entire election coverage, as far as I'm concerned, is that the Ragin' Cajun was seen commenting on various talk shows last week, and he looks much better. He looks healthier, his color is better, and he seems, in fact, to have put on weight in his forehead, if that's possible. I worry about ol' James. He was, after all, the inspiration for this blog in the first place. [See my first blog posting ever.] I heard that he had cancer, and I fervently hope he's licked it.


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