One Mean Chickadee

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I can't believe it. I just can't believe the people of this country elected that nimrod. I really can't.

I am shocked and completely disgusted.

Here's what I do believe:

I believe that tonight George W. Bush is thanking his god that 9/11 happened. Without it, he never would have been elected today. He never would have had a platform, ever--a platform of all war, all the time. He wouldn't have been able to gleefully and joyously send people off to die in order to glorify himself.

I believe what I have resisted believing for a long time: that the majority of people in this country are woefully ignorant and easily, oh-so-easily manipulated and led around by their noses like gaping, mindless sheep.

I believe that for some people, if George W. Bush showed up at their door, slapped them in the face, and spit on them, they would still vote for him.

I believe that The Big Swing State just swung its big foot around and kicked itself in the ass.

I believe that we are truly about to enter the era of Big Government--that is, Big Government coming into your home and dictating everything you are or are not permitted to do in your personal life. It will play out something like this: "Hello, Big Government, come on in, have a seat! Let me introduce you to my life partner. Oh, I'm not allowed to have a life partner? You mean, if I'm desperately ill and in the hospital, this person's not allowed to visit me? And if I want to leave my worldly possessions to this person, I really can't, because even if I have a will and all the proper documentation, my family could contest the whole thing and easily win? Oh. Well, how about personal decisions between me and my doctor about my health and my body? Oh, you're going to take charge of that too? Well, you know best--whatever you say goes!"

Of course, all of this has come about because MORAL VALUES ranked so highly in the "issues" people considered when voting today. Apparently you can send people off to die in an ill-conceived war, do absolutely nothing to improve health care, slap an unfunded, ineffective band-aid on education, etc. etc., and still be considered "moral." A funny kicker to this was that Bill Frist was one of those blabbing with the talking heads tonight about the "moral values issue." This is a man who, when he was in medical school, would go to animal shelters, lie and tell them he wanted to "adopt" cats, and then take them home and kill them--all in the name of science! Which is funny, because his party doesn't even believe in science! See how hilarious it is!!

Have fun reaping what you've sown, America. May your children forgive you.


  • At 8:37 AM, Blogger lulu said…

    Do you say you want a revolution? Where do we go from here?

  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    "I believe what I have resisted believing for a long time: that the majority of people in this country are woefully ignorant and easily, oh-so-easily manipulated and led around by their noses like gaping, mindless sheep."

    Yeah, totally! I have been resisting the idea myself. I guess I have been replaying the debates in my mind. Eloquent, nuanced positions vs. simple words and scre tactics.

    I refused to believe (until now) how utterly moronic the majority is...


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