Paul Harvey . . . dead or alive?
I know I've been very negligent. Must do better. Moving on.
First, pardon the digression (???), but I have to say, LOST was awesome tonight. Awesome.
I also have to say--and this was inspired by LOST, but applicable in other situations--that there's something that I love. I love it when a very pregnant woman suddenly grabs her stomach, eyes wide and mouth open, and starts breathing heavily and rocking back and forth on her heels, and then someone standing near her grabs her arm and asks, "What is it? What is it?!"
What do you think it is, Nostradamus?!
Really, sometimes it's a chore to block out the utter absurdity of this show (as well as many others) and just enjoy.
FOR LOSTIES: I loved the thing with the pens not working. Charlie and Claire are the most adorable couple ever. I love them.
O.K., on to the matter of the day . . . can anyone tell me if Paul Harvey is dead or alive? The reason I ask is, something weird is going on. They have his syndicated show that's been running for about 100 years on this local a.m. station, and I sometimes tune in. I don't really dig Harvey, but my grandparents used to listen to him, and there's this whole nostagia thing about him for me. Anyway, I'm listening to his show for the past couple of days ("The Rest of the Story," it's called), and I start to notice that the guy speaking doesn't sound like Paul Harvey at all. The rest of the show is exactly the same, with "Paul" giving his little intro, relating an anecdote, and then summarizing the whole thing in an "I'm not really trying to teach you a moral but I really am" tone. But "Paul" doesn't sound like Paul anymore. He sounds . . . younger and . . . different, more enthusiastic, or plastic, or something. It's like the real Paul Harvey kicked it, and instead of acknowledging that and . . . acting normally about it, the producers just found a fill-in immediately and carried on as if nothing had happened, and people are just listening and not noticing. Well, I'm noticing!! Something is definitely wrong with Paul Harvey. If anyone has info, please pass it on. (Also feel free to pass on James Carville info.)
P.S. to Dad: There are few things I enjoy more than talking on the phone to you. I hope you know that.
First, pardon the digression (???), but I have to say, LOST was awesome tonight. Awesome.
I also have to say--and this was inspired by LOST, but applicable in other situations--that there's something that I love. I love it when a very pregnant woman suddenly grabs her stomach, eyes wide and mouth open, and starts breathing heavily and rocking back and forth on her heels, and then someone standing near her grabs her arm and asks, "What is it? What is it?!"
What do you think it is, Nostradamus?!
Really, sometimes it's a chore to block out the utter absurdity of this show (as well as many others) and just enjoy.
FOR LOSTIES: I loved the thing with the pens not working. Charlie and Claire are the most adorable couple ever. I love them.
O.K., on to the matter of the day . . . can anyone tell me if Paul Harvey is dead or alive? The reason I ask is, something weird is going on. They have his syndicated show that's been running for about 100 years on this local a.m. station, and I sometimes tune in. I don't really dig Harvey, but my grandparents used to listen to him, and there's this whole nostagia thing about him for me. Anyway, I'm listening to his show for the past couple of days ("The Rest of the Story," it's called), and I start to notice that the guy speaking doesn't sound like Paul Harvey at all. The rest of the show is exactly the same, with "Paul" giving his little intro, relating an anecdote, and then summarizing the whole thing in an "I'm not really trying to teach you a moral but I really am" tone. But "Paul" doesn't sound like Paul anymore. He sounds . . . younger and . . . different, more enthusiastic, or plastic, or something. It's like the real Paul Harvey kicked it, and instead of acknowledging that and . . . acting normally about it, the producers just found a fill-in immediately and carried on as if nothing had happened, and people are just listening and not noticing. Well, I'm noticing!! Something is definitely wrong with Paul Harvey. If anyone has info, please pass it on. (Also feel free to pass on James Carville info.)
P.S. to Dad: There are few things I enjoy more than talking on the phone to you. I hope you know that.
At 11:24 PM,
David said…
I might be mistaken, but I think that the original Paul Harvey has died. However, his son--_______? Harvey was handling the continuing radio show?
I also have a weird thing about that show, though much more tenuous. While working for my dad in the corn fields growing up, we would often listen to the show while driving home for lunch. So, for me the show and the particular style of it akes me think of rural South Georgia.
At 11:26 PM,
David said…
I might be mistaken, but I think that the original Paul Harvey has died. However, his son--_______? Harvey was handling the continuing radio show?
I also have a weird thing about that show, though much more tenuous. While working for my dad in the corn fields growing up, we would often listen to the show while driving home for lunch. So, for me the show and the particular style of it akes me think of rural South Georgia.
At 11:01 AM,
lulu said…
My grandmother was rabid about that show. When I gave a eulogy at her funeral last year, I mentioned Mr. Harvey. She used to listen to him on the 60s-era radio that sat on her 50s-era kitchen table. She loved her grandchildren, but we were not to make noise during Paul Harvey!
Good day!
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Harvey was/is a fascist. He should be avoided at all costs.
At 11:08 AM,
flipper said…
I know that's you, Bernie. Good luck with that "Anonymous" thing.
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