Two for One Special
As long as I'm in the blogging mood, why not post twice in one day?
Random Thoughts:
1. The whole "For Dummies" craze of how-to books has gotten completely out of hand. I thought things were bad a couple of years ago, when I was in Barnes & Noble and passed the display of "Breast Cancer for Dummies." But now, I think this is even worse. How low are we going to sink, people?
2. Why, oh why, when one buys a pair of pants at The Best Store in the World (i.e., Target), does it inevitably come with one of those stupid, cheap, ugly, already-in-the-loops belts that no one past third grade would ever, ever wear? What do people do with these belts? I throw mine away immediately, but I always feel kind of guilty. I'm always thinking, some kid in Indonesia got paid 7 cents an hour to make this belt, and here I am just throwing it away.
3. The truest thing I've ever heard in my life was spoken years ago by George Carlin, when he said, "When you're driving on the highway, everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and everyone driving faster than you is an asshole." I think of this whenever I'm driving on the highway. It is so true.
4. I dripped candle wax all over the desk, the floor, and my pants. Again. Dammit.
5. I'm so lucky to have a husband who doesn't complain about my excessive online-poker playing. Of course, I return the favor by not complaining about his favorite hobby, sleeping. Today, for example, he got up at the crack of 12:45, made us some eggs and toast, and then plopped down on the couch, where he is sleeping now, again. Meanwhile, after blogging, I can play some poker. It's the perfect arrangement.
6. This site, which Burb sent around to all of us again this week, is, was, and always will be the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life.
7. Barak_Obama really is as wonderful as everyone says he is. He was on "Wait_Wait_Don't_Tell_Me" this morning, and he was smart and funny and utterly charming. I may be in love.
8. I don't care what anyone says, and I don't care if Tom Cruise is insane (which, of course, he is), "War of the Worlds" is a great movie.
9. It should not cost $250 to rent a car for four days in Seattle, but it does. (More on our upcoming Seattle trip later.)
10. The ibuprofen is just not working today. Maybe I should try that "sleeping" thing that Jackspatula is so fond of.
Random Thoughts:
1. The whole "For Dummies" craze of how-to books has gotten completely out of hand. I thought things were bad a couple of years ago, when I was in Barnes & Noble and passed the display of "Breast Cancer for Dummies." But now, I think this is even worse. How low are we going to sink, people?
2. Why, oh why, when one buys a pair of pants at The Best Store in the World (i.e., Target), does it inevitably come with one of those stupid, cheap, ugly, already-in-the-loops belts that no one past third grade would ever, ever wear? What do people do with these belts? I throw mine away immediately, but I always feel kind of guilty. I'm always thinking, some kid in Indonesia got paid 7 cents an hour to make this belt, and here I am just throwing it away.
3. The truest thing I've ever heard in my life was spoken years ago by George Carlin, when he said, "When you're driving on the highway, everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and everyone driving faster than you is an asshole." I think of this whenever I'm driving on the highway. It is so true.
4. I dripped candle wax all over the desk, the floor, and my pants. Again. Dammit.
5. I'm so lucky to have a husband who doesn't complain about my excessive online-poker playing. Of course, I return the favor by not complaining about his favorite hobby, sleeping. Today, for example, he got up at the crack of 12:45, made us some eggs and toast, and then plopped down on the couch, where he is sleeping now, again. Meanwhile, after blogging, I can play some poker. It's the perfect arrangement.
6. This site, which Burb sent around to all of us again this week, is, was, and always will be the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life.
7. Barak_Obama really is as wonderful as everyone says he is. He was on "Wait_Wait_Don't_Tell_Me" this morning, and he was smart and funny and utterly charming. I may be in love.
8. I don't care what anyone says, and I don't care if Tom Cruise is insane (which, of course, he is), "War of the Worlds" is a great movie.
9. It should not cost $250 to rent a car for four days in Seattle, but it does. (More on our upcoming Seattle trip later.)
10. The ibuprofen is just not working today. Maybe I should try that "sleeping" thing that Jackspatula is so fond of.
At 7:49 PM,
David said…
I LOVE it.
Such an unexpected treat when I checked my RSS feed and saw two new items in my blogs folder--NEVER in a million years would I have guessed that Flipper was going to blog, much less twice.
And also in such a random and aimless fashion.
You might be getting the handle on this blogging thing after all.
Thanks for brightening an already good day.
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