I Hate Tuesdays
Tuesday is now my least favorite day of the week, for all time, officially.
Why? Let me count the ways:
1. Black Tuesday, November 2, 2004, the day you-know-who was reelected by a country full of apparent masochists who care nothing for civil rights, the environment, or their children's financial future.
2. This Tuesday, that is, today, December 7, 2004, the day the vote count became "official" in the Big Swing State. Bush apparently won here, and therefore the whole election, by about 119,000 votes, a number just slightly larger than the number of people who attend an Ohio State football game on any given Saturday in the fall. Let me repeat that, and please allow it to sink in. THE WHOLE ELECTION OUTCOME HINGED ON THE NUMBER OF VOTES EQUIVALENT TO ONE FOOTBALL STADIUM OF PEOPLE. Out of millions of votes. Folks should remember that little fact when they think about the phrases "decisive victory" or "political capital."
3. Did anyone else notice that today is also Pearl Harbor Day? Anyone? Coincidence?
4. "Tuesdays With Morrie." I hate that book.
5. The original "Black Tuesday" (that is, the stock-market crash, for the historically-challenged reader), in case you hadn't noticed, also took place on a Tuesday. Although it didn't affect me personally, I'm one of those empathetic liberals who feel everyone's pain, so I must hate that day as well.
6. Tuesday is also the day that we have our weekly status meetings for my project at work. I don't hate our status meetings, but it's very popular to bitch about them, so I'm kind of jumping on the bandwagon here.
7. I had a really bad hair day last Tuesday, which is reason enough in itself.
So, it's a shitty day all around. Good enough reason to have another beer, so I think I will. I'll say goodnight now, to my dedicated audience and, once again, to my social security fund. You were a good idea while you lasted.
Why? Let me count the ways:
1. Black Tuesday, November 2, 2004, the day you-know-who was reelected by a country full of apparent masochists who care nothing for civil rights, the environment, or their children's financial future.
2. This Tuesday, that is, today, December 7, 2004, the day the vote count became "official" in the Big Swing State. Bush apparently won here, and therefore the whole election, by about 119,000 votes, a number just slightly larger than the number of people who attend an Ohio State football game on any given Saturday in the fall. Let me repeat that, and please allow it to sink in. THE WHOLE ELECTION OUTCOME HINGED ON THE NUMBER OF VOTES EQUIVALENT TO ONE FOOTBALL STADIUM OF PEOPLE. Out of millions of votes. Folks should remember that little fact when they think about the phrases "decisive victory" or "political capital."
3. Did anyone else notice that today is also Pearl Harbor Day? Anyone? Coincidence?
4. "Tuesdays With Morrie." I hate that book.
5. The original "Black Tuesday" (that is, the stock-market crash, for the historically-challenged reader), in case you hadn't noticed, also took place on a Tuesday. Although it didn't affect me personally, I'm one of those empathetic liberals who feel everyone's pain, so I must hate that day as well.
6. Tuesday is also the day that we have our weekly status meetings for my project at work. I don't hate our status meetings, but it's very popular to bitch about them, so I'm kind of jumping on the bandwagon here.
7. I had a really bad hair day last Tuesday, which is reason enough in itself.
So, it's a shitty day all around. Good enough reason to have another beer, so I think I will. I'll say goodnight now, to my dedicated audience and, once again, to my social security fund. You were a good idea while you lasted.
At 11:10 PM,
David said…
Don't give up yet!
Maybe your Social Security won't be totally Roved up!
And remember that as bad as Tuesdays are they are always followed by Wednesdays--and THAT means "Lost," "Alias," AND "Smallville."
Oh! Glorious riches abound!
At 9:15 AM,
lulu said…
There's also that really depressing Moody Blues song "Tuesday Afternoon." I mostly like the Moody Blues, but they do live up to their name, don't they?
There's also women named Tuesday. I don't recall ever liking any of them.
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