Another Great Epiphany
I cleaned the kitchen today. I don't believe I have done so since the last time I blogged about it, which tells you two things: 1) I don't clean the kitchen very often, and 2) When I do clean the kitchen, it is apparently an extremely blog-worthy event. The thing is, after working on work-work for another 2-3 hours today, cleaning the kitchen was a welcome break. And I do a lot of blog-thinking while scrubbing the countertops, so it has helped me break through my blog-block.
Maybe I should clean the kitchen more often.
One thing that happens while cleaning the kitchen, for me at least, is that you learn a thing or two about yourself. Today, for example, I realized that despite having two college degrees and being married and holding a professional job for many years and supporting myself for almost 20 years now, I still do not know how to clean my oven. Please understand, this is a self-cleaning oven we're talking about. The thing is, we got the oven (barely, gently) used, and it came with no instruction manual. Not a big deal. Usually I do not require a manual to use the oven, or the stove either, for that matter. Basically, you turn it on to the required setting and cook. However, this is one of those new-fangled digital thingies where you have to program in the cleaning mode. Without the manual, I am lost. Granted, there is a button on the menu board of the oven clearly marked "Auto Self-Clean." But what do I do with this button? Do I simply close the oven door, press the button, wait until the timer goes off, and then presto, pristine oven? Or do I have to pour some cleaning fluid into a secret chamber, like they have on dishwashers (so I hear--I do not have a dishwasher)? Do I need to spray it down first with some self-cleaning oven cleaning solution? I truly have no idea. Of course, this is one of those things about which I could easily ask somebody (almost anybody, I suspect), or I could look it up on the Internet. The problem is, this is not an issue I think about at any other time other than when I'm cleaning the kitchen, which, as we've already established, is not often. Therefore, it is not An Important Issue In My Life. As a result, I have never cleaned the oven (any oven, actually), and I probably never will. And I'm O.K. with that. Things could be worse. Besides, I don't really trust a completely clean oven anyway--it's like a skinny chef.
Maybe I should clean the kitchen more often.
One thing that happens while cleaning the kitchen, for me at least, is that you learn a thing or two about yourself. Today, for example, I realized that despite having two college degrees and being married and holding a professional job for many years and supporting myself for almost 20 years now, I still do not know how to clean my oven. Please understand, this is a self-cleaning oven we're talking about. The thing is, we got the oven (barely, gently) used, and it came with no instruction manual. Not a big deal. Usually I do not require a manual to use the oven, or the stove either, for that matter. Basically, you turn it on to the required setting and cook. However, this is one of those new-fangled digital thingies where you have to program in the cleaning mode. Without the manual, I am lost. Granted, there is a button on the menu board of the oven clearly marked "Auto Self-Clean." But what do I do with this button? Do I simply close the oven door, press the button, wait until the timer goes off, and then presto, pristine oven? Or do I have to pour some cleaning fluid into a secret chamber, like they have on dishwashers (so I hear--I do not have a dishwasher)? Do I need to spray it down first with some self-cleaning oven cleaning solution? I truly have no idea. Of course, this is one of those things about which I could easily ask somebody (almost anybody, I suspect), or I could look it up on the Internet. The problem is, this is not an issue I think about at any other time other than when I'm cleaning the kitchen, which, as we've already established, is not often. Therefore, it is not An Important Issue In My Life. As a result, I have never cleaned the oven (any oven, actually), and I probably never will. And I'm O.K. with that. Things could be worse. Besides, I don't really trust a completely clean oven anyway--it's like a skinny chef.
At 6:58 PM,
David said…
Hmmm. An intresting quandry and a lack of knowlege that I share.
I do recall trying to clean our oven (not digital) and noticing FLAMES inside. I don't think that was proper cleaning technique. I haven't tried it since.
But, not trust a clean oven? You aren't supposed to season the oven like you do a wok, so it would seem that keeping it clean is a good thing. On the other hand, it's not like a refrigerator, in which odors can be transferred from item to item.
A quandry . . .
At 8:30 AM,
lulu said…
Geez, you two--overthink much? : )
Press the "auto self clean" and stand back in wonder. If it's anything like mine, which is a lot like almost every oven in the U.S., the door will lock and the oven will heat to the extreme degree needed to burn off the various bits of your previous meals.
Burb, your oven was probably aflame for a reason--it was cleaning itself. Ovens are allowed to catch on fire during this process. (You know--within reason.) Occasionally mine will burst into little, isolated flames to get rid of, no doubt, pizza cheese.
At the end of the cleaning cycle, the oven will alert you and auto shut off. No need for toxic chemicals. It's a wonderful thing.
Of course it would be me who would know this. I feel like June Fucking Cleaver now.
At 9:30 AM,
flipper said…
You know, somehow I knew that because of this post, I would accidentally find out how to clean my oven. And then I would feel obligated to do so. Thanks a lot, lulu!
At 3:25 PM,
Sven Golly said… could invite my Mom over for the weekend, and the first she would do upon entering your home (and inspecting your kitchen) would be to clean your oven. This was a ritual with Helen and all her daughters and daughters-in-law (note gender bias; the oven is female territory) that has thankfully passed. Now she does the dishes and cleans the sink.
At 5:08 PM,
Sven Golly said…
I'm specking a photo of Flipper (in heels, apron, frock) on page 927 of TAV, with the caption: "I do a lot of blog-thinking while scrubbing the countertops, so it has helped me break through my blog-block."
At 1:48 PM,
lulu said…
Hey--mama's got the magic. What can I say?
All kidding aside, it's the easiest thing in the world. And you ARE obligated now, so just do it, girlfriend!
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thats sad. Even I know how to clean the oven and I have only been on my own a little over 2 years. I am also troubled at how infrequently you clean your kitchen because I have eaten at your house several times!!!
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